December 9th, 2021
Dangers at the Office
Most of us have a job where work tasks are completed while sitting in a chair in a climate-controlled office building. Normally we aren’t out in the weather, or the darkness or at petroleum loading racks. However, MIOSHA reports a surprising number of hazards can be present in our office setting.
Slips, Trips & Falls, the most common type of office injury. Several hazards contribute to these injuries, although most can be significantly reduced, often by raising awareness among employees to various hazards in the office setting.
Keep Clutter-Free Work Spaces
Boxes, files and various items piled in walkways can create a tripping hazard, according to MIOSHA. Prevent buildup of clutter in walkways. This season, watch for an electrical hazard / trip hazard of stretching cords across walkways or under rugs.
Standing on Chairs – particularly rolling office chairs – is a significant fall hazard. Decorating ?? Please use a stepladder.
Maintain a Clear Line of Vision
Workers collide when making turns in the hallways and around blind corners or cubicle walls. The NSC installing convex mirrors at intersections to help reduce collisions. If workers can see who is coming around the corner, collisions are less likely to occur.
Get a Grip
Carpeting and other skid-resistant surfaces can serve to reduce falls. Marble or tile can become very slippery – particularly when wet or have snow or ice on them. Placing carpets down can be especially helpful at entranceways, where workers are likely to be coming in with shoes wet from rain or snow.
Shut the Drawer
File cabinets with extended drawers could tip over if they are not secured. Additionally, open drawers on desks and file cabinets pose a tripping hazard, so be sure to always completely close drawers when not in use.
Ergonomics injuries
One of the most prevalent injuries in an office setting are related to ergonomics. Office workers spend the bulk of their day seated at a desk and working on a computer, they are prone to strains and other injuries related to posture and repetitive movement. Ergonomics hazards can be difficult to detect. Frequent breaks and position changes help reduce the number of injuries.
Train Workers To Use Equipment
Providing adjustable furniture and equipment is only the first step in creating an ergonomically sound workstation. Something as simple as employee inability to properly adjust their own office chairs can cause stains or ergonomic injury. The problem can be twofold: Workers do not know how to adjust their equipment, and they do not know the most ergonomically beneficial way to set up their workstation.
Keep Your Feet on the Floor
Do your feet touch the floor when seated at their desk ?? It sounds like a simple question, but very often workers have their keyboard tray on the desktop, so in order to reach it, they need to jack up their chair so high that their feet can barely touch the floor.”
Tis’ The Season
Parties, food gatherings, holiday treats are all part of our Office Environment and need a thought of safety too. Just a quick bullet list to keep in mind while we are setting up the kitchen for the next feast;
- Keep warm foods warm and cold foods cold. Use a thermometer. Don’t guess. Keep everyone food safe !!
- Do Not Cover Fire Extinguishers. Look at the variety of dishes that are plugged into the power strips in the kitchen. Can your access the extinguisher if something overheats ??
- Watch the electrical outlet load. How many plugs are pulling juice from that outlet ??
- Do not use real or live candles of chaffing warmers. Think FIRE
- Label foods brought in so people with allergies can enjoy too !!
- Do not re-use plates or utensils. Take a fresh one every time you re-fill !!
- Empty the trash often. Don’t let it pile up around the can. Empty early, empty often !!
Stay Safe My Friends !!