A Fuel Management Program (FMP) is a combination of hardware and software products that together enable access and control of fuel stores by monitoring delivery and consumption. It is a popular solution with our customers as a customers don’t have to keep an eye on their fuel – it is out of sight out of mind. RKA keeps and eye on fuel levels and delivers proactively.
In the early 2000’s, RKA launched its Fuel Management Program (FMP) making it the first of its kind in Michigan. Today, RKA has over 500 customers enrolled in the program.
RKA’s Fuel Management Program consists of a device that installs on your above-ground storage tank and back office automation to ensure accurate and timely order replenishment. The FMP device is responsible for submitting data regarding your tank inventory back to our corporate headquarters wirelessly over the cellular network. This information is then utilized to determine demand patterns for automatic order replenishment.
- Automated fuel replenishment and ordering
- Our system optimizes the number of deliveries to your site
- Less deliveries means less phone calls, invoices, and paperwork
- You won’t have to worry about “sticking” your tank
RKA’s tanks monitor andreport out status over thecellular network
RKA’s central processingcenter receives the data
You receive email andtext alerts at low levelsand critical low levels
You are able to access your dataanytime online, 24/7/365
Logistics guesswork eliminatedand product replenished only when necessary